I'm Lukas, a digital and sustainability enthusiast.
I am exploring opportunities in the web3, renewable resources and VR space and am currently based in Munich, Germany.
As a warm welcome, I want to gift you a free PretzelNFT - totally free, not even gas fees. Collect yours here!
Please always reach out to me if you have something interesting you want to share with me; I am very curious to get to know you!


May 2022Â - now
Singapore, Singapore
Founded by Blackstone and McKinsey alumni w3s bridges the gap between the institutional world and the web3 space. M&A, Investments & Fundraising in Web3. Among others, I am working on facilitating M&A/Secondary Transactions, lead the first business x web3 top talent program, and publish a bi-weekly web3 finance job newsletter with 2000+ subscribers.

Jan 2022 - now
Munich, Germany
We are a community of aspiring web3 founders from Munich. Since our start in January 22, our community has grown from 15 to 200+ Members, and 6 Pretzel-Startups have already launched! Examples are AwesomeQA and Moonblock - please reach out if you manage a Discord or require web3 brand intelligence. Together, we attended various hackathons, including ETH Amsterdam, ETH New York, ETH CC Paris, and ETH Berlin; building fun stuff together.

Jan 2023 - Mar 2023
Cambridge, United Kingdom
Cambridge University
CCAF is well-known for the Bitcoin Electricity Consumption Index, which is widely referenced by academics, policymakers, and the media (e.g., EU Central Bank). I worked on extending this index to Ethereum and analyzed the >99% energy consumption reduction of the “Ethereum Merge”. Learn more about the Cambridge Blockchain Network Sustainability Index here.

Jan 2022 - Jul 2022
London, UK
Global Founders Capital is Europe's largest tech venture capital fund with over $4 billion in available capital.
I identified new trends in Crypto, VR & AI.

Apr 2021 - Jun 2022
Munich, Germany
At the Chair for Strategy and Organization (TUM) I researched business model innovations in Web3, DAOs & NFTs and built a track record in the early identification of emerging trends.

Aug 2021 - Oct 2021
Munich, Germany
CDTM is the educational Institution with the highest Unicorn/Alumni ratio in the world offering an add-on study program focusing on product development, innovation, and entrepreneurship.
As a teaching assistant I determined trends and drivers impacting the Future of Waste Management.

Mar 2021 - Apr 2021
Berlin, Germany
I researched on current political developments and legislative proposals for Katrin Staffler MdB. I attended meetings of the technical committees (Fachausschüsse) and working groups (Arbeitsgruppen), as well as various plenary sessions of the German Bundestag.

Chair for Strategy and Organization
Academic Director (TUM) of CDTM (www.cdtm.de)
Lukas currently is and has been my trusted digital mentor! He is a force to be reckoned with when it comes to spotting new tech trends and he is an absolute pleasure to work with. I can attest to his high intelligence, conscientiousness, dedication and creativity. He has a growth mindset and is always learning something new.
Lukas is a friendly, enthusiastic person with a strong positive attitude who always stays optimistic- I really like that about working with him. His personal strengths are complemented by his academic and analytical skills. Lukas is quick and forward-thinking and entrepreneurial in a way rarely – if ever – seen before by me. It is always inspiring working with and talking to Lukas. Congratulations to all who will yet have the pleasure in the future of working and collaborating with him. I am certain many founder and investor teams will "recruit-hunt" him.